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How to Banish Fleas

If your pet has ever had fleas or has ever brought home these annoying little "friends" you need to arm yourself with these tips to help get rid of them.

Things You'll Need

  • washing machine & dryer
  • laundry detergent
  • vacuum cleaner
  • flea collars
  • insect growth regulator
  • flea shampoo
  • flea medication
  • flea & tick granules for the yard
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      Wash everything!! Wash all of your pet's bedding in the washing machine. Also be sure to wash anything that your pet likes to regularly lie or sleep on as well.

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      Learn to love your vacuum cleaner. Before you begin vacuumming, putyour pet outside or in a bathroom or garage. This is for safety as you do not want a stray flea jumping off of your pet onto an area you have already vacuummed. Also, before beginning, place either a flea collar or a handful of 7-dust into the vacumm cleaner's bag. This will kill the fleas that you vacuum up. Now, while your pet's bedding is washing, start vacuumming all the surface areas that you can.

      There are some areas that it is very important that you vacuum. They include:

      - areas that don't get much exposure to sunlight (fleas like humid and cool spots)

      - anywhere that you find dried blood and feces (flea debris)

      - upholstered furniture (lift up those couch cushions)

      - crevices around baseboards and cabinets (that's where the eggs and larvae are probably hiding)

      When you finish vacuumming, take the vacuum cleaner's bag and seal it inside another plastic bag or trash bag before throwing away. If possible, put it in an outside garbage can.

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      Now you are ready to spray all of your carpets, couches, etc. with an insect growth regulator (IGR) like methoprene or pyriproxyfen. Spray is much more effective than room foggers because they usually do not contain IGRs. IGRs are used to prevent the larvae from turning into adult fleas.

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      Now you are ready to give your pet your full attention by giving him a bath. If you choose to use a flea shampoo, choose a gentle one because some are harsh and might irritate or harm your pet. (I use baby shampoo).

      First, wash the neck so that the fleas don't jump up to the head during the bath. Then continue bathing your pet as normal, then towel dry.

      Next, once dry, apply a flea-killing product, such as a spot-on (ex. Frontline) or an oral medication. A prescription strength (from a vet) spot-on treatment works best.

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      Now, turn your attention to the yard. Keep the grass mowed and all foliage trimmed. You want to try to make your yard as dry as possible - no damp, moist areas. Also, spread flea & tick granules all over the yard. These can be purchased at lawn & garden centers. Follow the package directions on how to apply & on how often to reapply.

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