Effective Natural Flea Treatments
While diet alone will not keep the fleas from making a home on your pet, veterinarian Dr. Tracy Lord of Vetlord.org insists that a healthy pet does repel fleas better. What you feed your pet affects his health. Commercial products often contain harmful additives and preservatives that leave your pet more susceptible to illness and problems like flea infestations. Opt to spend a little more money on natural, healthy meals to take the first step in keeping fleas away. Also, dietary supplements such as Juice Plus and Nupro supplements can help maintain your pet's health. Fatty acid supplements, probiotics and digestive enzymes may be especially helpful in avoiding flea infestations.
Your pet is less likely to develop a severe flea problem if you groom him regularly. When you comb daily with a flea comb, and bathe regularly with soap and water, the flea population will subside. This method alone probably will not get rid of all the fleas, but will surely complement other treatments.
Indoor Environmental Control
If your pet spends time indoors, you must treat the indoor environment. Fleas like to lay eggs in carpets, animal bedding, small cracks and upholstery. Thoroughly vacuum your home and immediately dump the bag in an outside garbage can; reduce clutter; and wash your pet's bed weekly to help eliminate an indoor flea problem. Flea traps also may be a helpful way to destroy an indoor infestation. Keeping a dish of soapy water under a night light near where your pet sleeps draws fleas to a watery grave. If the dish of soapy water idea does not appeal to you, there are electric plug-in flea traps available.
Outdoor Environmental Control
Nematode products are a non-toxic way to help diminish the flea population in your yard. Nematodes, or microscopic worms, love to eat flea larvae. Sold under names such as Flea Halt and Interrupt, nematodes can be purchased online and in stores. Spreading diatomaceous earth on your lawn is another flea control option. It is a non-chemical type of soil that has tiny, sharp edges that damage insect exoskeleton and cause them to die of dehydration. Read the package to make sure it will not negatively affect your lawn or garden.
Dips and Doses
Other potential remedies, such as garlic, yeast and essential oils, have been offered as alternative direct flea treatments. Your pet may be sensitive to any one of these or have a toxic reaction. Speak with your veterinarian to discuss additional natural treatment options.