Treatments & Preventions of Fleas on Humans
At least three types of fleas commonly bite humans: canine fleas, feline fleas and human fleas. If you see numerous, small red bumps or a localized itchy rash, one of these types of fleas has likely been biting you. The treatment for all types of flea bites is the same, and you will want to prevent fleas from infesting your home and continuing to feast on you or your family.
Wash the bitten area thoroughly with an antiseptic soap. Flea saliva contains an anti-coagulation agent, which is why flea bites are bright red or bloody and become easily infected.
Ice packs and over-the-counter hydro-cortisone or calamine lotions can help soothe your skin as can anesthetic creams or skin sprays. Do not scratch the affected area, or you will slow the healing process.
Preventing flea bites takes more work than treating them but is even more important. Only adult fleas will bite humans, and a female flea will start to lay eggs within two days of her first meal, which might have been you. The female flea can lay up to 200 eggs, and once hatched, adult fleas can live for months, even without a food source.
Prevent flea bites by killing fleas and flea larva. This means treating all your pets and their beds and blankets, as well as treating infested bedding material, furniture and carpets. Wash your sheets, blankets and pillows in as hot water as your machine is capable of on a frequent basis. Use a spray insecticide on your pets and carpet, being careful to follow the safety instructions carefully. Completely clean all wood furniture and wash any throw pillows or cushions. If your sofa and chairs are infested and cannot be washed at home, call in a professional exterminator or discard them.
Check your pets and your own skin every couple of weeks to make sure that you have completely eradicated fleas from your home.