Natural Treatments for Flea Bites
Where You Might Find a Flea
Adult fleas can live only on the flesh of a mammal. That means you'll most often find them on your pets, but they can live on humans, too. While eggs are most often laid on the host animal, they can also be laid on carpet, bedding, clothes and even in cracks on hard surfaces.
What a Flea Bite Looks Like
The appearance of a flea bit depends on the sensitivity of the person bitten. They can be nothing more than a raised red bump that lasts only a few minutes or they can blossom into an itchy rash that lasts for days. Children tend to be more sensitive to a flea bite than adults. The most telling evidence is that you will find only one puncture wound, unlike a spider bite, which will have two. On your pets, you may not be able to see the bite, but incessant itching, hair loss and flea dirt (tiny black droppings) will help you identify the problem.
Diseases Carried by Fleas
Fleas are known to carry a type of tapeworm called Dipylidum canimum that can infect people or animals who unknowingly ingest one of the insects. Fleas can also carry murine typhus, a mild form of typhus that causes headaches, fever, loss of appetite and rash.
Natural Remedies for Flea Bites on Pets
According to, an herbal shampoo made of cedar, bergamot, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, citronella and juniper or geranium will soothe your dog's itchy skin and kill fleas. says a spray of 600 ml water, two drops of lavender essential oil and two drops of pure cedar essential oil will help soothe skin and keep fleas from returning. For cats, a spray of equal parts water and white vinegar will kill fleas and help with bites.
Natural Remedies for People
Thorough cleansing with an astringent like witch hazel will kill bacteria. Tea tree oil is another helpful antibacterial that both soothes and cleanses the skin. Once the bite is clean, an ice pack placed directly on the bite will help reduce swelling and itchiness. Instead of an over-the-counter antibiotic like Neosporin, try dabbing honey on the bite to keep it clean and keep it from itching.