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How to Get Rid of Fleas With Vinegar

There are several ways to go about eradicating these insidious parasites. Simply using vinegar, which is very acidic and extremely repulsive to fleas, works well. Apple cider vinegar works well to repel fleas both internally and externally from your pets and is great for skin problems and rashes.
  1. Vinegar Treatments and Remedies

    • You should first use a natural shampoo or flea bath to wash your dog. Then use a holistic remedy that fleas and mites find totally repulsive. The use of apple cider vinegar is claimed to be very effective by mixing one part vinegar with one part water. Fill a spray bottle and spritz your pet, only on his fur coat. Be sure to saturate his entire coat while at the same time being very careful not to get any in his eyes or inside his ears, and let dry. Do this every few days until all evidence of flea infestation are gone. Comb out your dog's fur coat every day. Keep doing this until all the black spots left behind by fleas are gone. Also, you may notice your pet's coat becoming more silky and healthier looking. This is a side benefit of using vinegar over the conventional and toxic products out there.

      You can also try dipping your pet's comb in a cup with half vinegar and half water and slowly (and easily) comb the fleas out. This must be done daily until all fleas are gone.

    A Simple Dish

    • Apple cider vinegar also works as a flea trap! You simply pour the vinegar into a shallow bowl and leave it over night in areas of your home that have lots of fleas.

      In the morning you should find lots of fleas in the bowl. Try this out every night until the bowl is free of fleas.

      Using a solution of half vinegar, half dish liquid and warm water for a bath solution and watch the fleas literally fall right off into the tub!

    Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Pet's Diet

    • Another treatment adds a few drops of apple cider vinegar to your pet's drinking water--just enough to do the job but not enough to repulse your pet. Most pets don't mind the mild addition. What this does is makes their skin (from the inside out) too acidic for fleas to feed or live upon. This is a great repellent and should be continued as a maintenance program.

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