The Best Way to Get Rid of Fleas in Carpet
Vaccum up the Fleas from Your Carpets and Rugs
Your carpets, floors and rugs have to be sanitized. If you can toss the carpets in your washing machine, then do it. Use soapy water, with at least a half a cup of vinegar. The soap alone may kill the fleas but the added vinegar will cinch it. If your carpets are too big, vacuum them thoroughly and dispose of the vacuum bag properly by wrapping it in airtight plastic bag, tying it securely and throwing it away.
You might consider having a professional carpet cleaner come in to steam clean your carpets, which will rid your carpet of eggs and larvae hiding in the fibers. Pest control professionals and some carpet cleaning services can also treat your carpets on a regular basis or as needed.
Once an infestation has been brought under control, you can keep it under control simply by regular vacuuming. Up to 50 percent of flea eggs can be eradicated with a single sweep of the vacuum. In peak flea season (late spring and summer), vacuum every second day, paying particular attention to areas your pets frequent. Remember to clean under sofas and chairs where eggs could be hiding. The vacuum bag should be removed at least weekly and thrown into an outdoor trash bin after being sealed in an airtight bag.
Holistic Remedies to Get Rid of Fleas in Pets and Home
The most important thing you can do is eradicate the fleas and their eggs from your home. This is an excellent remedy for getting rid of fleas in the floors and carpet. Simply put down a dish or large plate on the floor in the worst-affected area of your house. On the plate, add water, a drop or two of dish detergent along with a drop or two of lemon juice. Turn on a night light above the plate. The fleas are lured by the light and jump on the plate, where they are captured and killed. If this is done for several nights in a row, eventually all the fleas will be gone. Other rooms should be treated as well that have flea infestations. This also is great for kennels, walkways and patios.
Natural Remedies to Rid your Carpet of Fleas
Flea hormones are not well known, but have the ability to prevent fleas from maturing (the non-adults don't bite or breed). The hormones also prevent eggs from hatching. The dehydrating powder, known as Precor or Zodiac, can be applied with a plant mister. The powder will dry out and kill the fleas. Spray it liberally around your house, garage and carpets. You will still have to treat your pet daily with herbal flea powders, but soap and warm water will kill the fleas on your pet. Launder bedding used by the pets often and vacuum at least every two days.
Diatomaceous Earth is an all-natural pest control and maintenance product that effectively repels fleas. Do not get this into your eyes and do not breathe it in. It's suggested when using DE regularly or in large amounts that you wear dust mask, gloves and a good set of goggles when pouring from the bag. It can be applied to your carpet, left overnight then vacuumed.
Another recommendation is a carpet powder known by the name of Fleabusters. The powder is guaranteed effective for 12 months and kills fleas by drying them out but is not an actual poison or insecticide. Any fleas that are brought into the home perish when they come in contact with this powder. It can be used on carpets, rugs, furniture and even in the cracks of wood floors