How to Prevent Flea Bites
Use Frontline or another flea medication on your pets. If you have dogs and cats that run around outside, they can acquire fleas rather easily.
Place a bug bomb in your home. You can purchase bug bombs at your local store yourself or hire someone to do it for you. You may have to set off two bug bombs to get the job done thoroughly.
Treat your lawn for fleas. There are flea and pest controlling fertilizers and other products on the market that can eliminate fleas in your yard. If you attack the place where fleas originated in your home, you can go a long way to prevent flea bites.
Buy Ridex or another pest controlling product to keep wild animals and critters off your property. Skunks, squirrels, raccoons and deer bring fleas onto your property.
Sit in the sun for a few minutes each day. Fleas like to bite fairer skin more than darker skin. Many health experts agree you should get a few minutes of sun each day, as long as you don't overdo it. Darker skin can help you fend off flea bites.