Can I Use Dawn Liquid to Get Rid of Fleas?
Dawn Dish Soap
Although it may not be the most effective remedy to remove fleas, Dawn liquid dish soap has been shown to at least help. Many of the fleas will drown while trying to avoid the soap and suds, while still others will simply get smothered by the suds. However, this method only works well with adult fleas, and is not necessarily a remedy for getting rid of the eggs.
Step 1
Liquid dawn can be a quite simple method of getting rid of at least some fleas. Start off by wetting the pet's fur with warm water. When you begin to apply the Dawn, start with areas higher on the body such as the ears and neck, as these are the places to which the fleas will try to escape. Be careful to not get the soap in your pet's eyes, nose or ears. Next apply Dawn to the rest of the pet's body. Let the lather sit for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Step 2
Remove your pet from his bath and towel dry him off well. Next -- although the Dawn should have removed at least most of the adult fleas -- give your pet a good look over to see if you can spot any more. If so, use your finger nails or tweezers and as gently as possible, remove the fleas from your pet. If your pet has bare or irritated patches left by the fleas, ask your veterinarian for a cream to apply.
Although Dawn liquid soap is known for being a more gentle soap, it still may dry out the skin of your pet and cause irritation. Therefore, when giving your pet a bath, try not to overdo the application of the soap. You only need enough to form a decent lather. Additionally, do not give your pet a bath in Dawn very frequently for this same reason. It may even be necessary to purchase a cream to treat the dry skin and irritation.