How to Get Fleas off of Children
Get rid of fleas that may be on any pets. Flea shampoos, which can be purchased at your local grocery store, may be all it takes to kill the irritating bugs. Flea collars also may help alleviate the problem. However, it can trickier than a simple shampoo or collar in many cases. Over-the-counter flea killers may do the deed, or it may be worth the extra money to take your pet to a veterinarian, where he may administer a flea shot or give your four-legged friend a flea dip. Keep your child away from your flea-ridden pets until the insects have died.
Wash everything in your child's room that is made of fabric. Fleas can lay eggs in the deep layers of the fabric, and killing the eggs before they hatch is crucial. Wash linens, clothing items and mattress covers with hot water. If an object in your child's room cannot be washed, use a spray treatment on this fabric. Because children likely play on the carpet, they are more susceptible to getting flea bites from fleas that have hatched in the carpet. Rent or purchase a steam machine and clean the carpets, and clean around the baseboards and other nooks and crannies.
Hire a professional exterminator to treat your yard with chemicals created to decrease the flea population. Because children play in the yard, the chances of transmitting fleas from the outdoors to the indoors are higher. Fleas land on children and then lay eggs when they travel inside, causing what could be a major infestation of fleas. When your child plays outside, apply insect repellent to prevent fleas and other bugs from biting your little one. These repellents should contain at least 10 percent DEET, an ingredient that helps keep bugs away.