How to Prevent Fleas From Biting Humans
Prevent pets from getting fleas. Pets often get fleas from other neighborhood pets. Keep your pet away from other animals that have recently had fleas. Pets can also get fleas from gardens and lawns so it is important to keep lawns short and spray regularly with insecticides. Plant a few eucalyptus trees as they are thought to be a natural flea-repellent.
Purchase products to treat flea infestation. Getting rid of fleas on pets is an effective step toward preventing human family members from getting bitten. Piper Cratty at Dog Breed suggests trying a combination of flea collars, topical treatments such as Frontline and veterinarian prescribed medicines.
Purchase products that kill fleas in each stage of their life cycle. Exterminate your home with flea treatments that include pyredthroid, permethin and IGR (insect growth regular) as Cratty suggests. Focus on areas under furniture, in ducts, behind curtains and in floor cracks when using sprays and powders. Advanced flea infestations may require professional exterminators.
Sweep and vacuum thoroughly. Sweeping after spraying insecticides makes sprays more effective as fleas are stimulated by vibrations. Vacuum your pet's favorite resting place, in corners of the house and other areas where fleas may hide. Burn your vacuum bag or throw away in a tight plastic bag so fleas do not return.