Facts About Fleas
A flea is small, nimble, usually dark colored insect. It is between 1/12 and 1/6 inch long and uses its powerful hind legs to jump. A flea can jump horizontally up to 16 inches and up to 8 inches vertically, approximately 200 times its own body length. Relative to its body size the flea is considered one of the best jumping organisms. Its exoskeleton is polished, covered in hairs and spines and can withstand great pressure.
Life Cycle
A flea life cycle consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. After copulating, a female lays a batch of about 20 white eggs that take between two days to two weeks to hatch. The larva avoids light and consumes dead skin, hair, digested blood from adult flea feces and other organic matter. It matures into a pupa, a process that takes between a week to several months. The pupa warps itself into a cocoon and emerges as an adult flea after five to 14 days.
Flea Bites
The flea's relationship with its host is one-sided and often troublesome for the host. While a flea bite is rarely felt, an irritating, slightly raised and swollen red spot remains with a puncture mark evident in the center. Flea bites can cause flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) and also transmit anemia, tapeworms and the stomach flu on occasion. The bubonic plague and other aliments can be spread by a flea that moves from rodents or other animals to humans.
Irritation caused by flea bites can be eased with the use of anti-itch creams. Cedar oil works for both humans and pets. Keeping your pets well groomed and bathing them regularly are good preventive measures. A home infestation can be removed with the use of a flea bomb and frequent vacuuming, although seeking professional assistance may be necessary depending on the scale of the infestation.