| | Bites Stings | Flea Bites
How to Rid Fleas Fast & Naturally in a Carpet
Things You'll Need
- Vacuum
- Disposable vacuum bags
- Diatomaceous earth
- Protective mask
- Protective eye wear
- Plastic sealed bags
- Soap
Clean all carpeted areas in the house with a powerful, suction vacuum. The vacuum picks up eggs and adult fleas, so it is best to use disposable vacuum bags. Seal the vacuum bag in a plastic bag, and immediately throw it away.
Wash all rugs in the in the house with hot soapy water. This will kill the flea larvae.
Purchase diatomaceous earth. It is 100 percent organic, and made from ground-up fossils of prehistoric freshwater diatoms. It is not harmful to humans, but kills fleas and other pests. Wear protective goggles and a mask; diatomaceous earth is a fine powder similar to dust.
Dust the DE over the carpet and rugs. Pay close attention to pet-bedding areas. Focus on cracks and crevices.