How to Get Rid of Head Fleas
Things You'll Need
- Carpet steam cleaner
- Insecticide flea spray or fogger
- Flea treatment for your pet
The best flea treatment products for your pet come from your vet. Vacuuming your house thoroughly and carefully to remove egg, larva, pupa and adult fleas. After vacuuming, take the vacuum cleaner outside, remove the bag and dispose of it outside the house. Spray insecticide on the vacuum cleaner before you bring it back inside the house.
Steam clean your carpet with steam or a hot water extraction carpet cleaner to kill every stage of fleas. There are additives and shampoos especially made for flea treatments, but you'll have to ask about these where you rent steam cleaners. Follow the directions for safe use, mixing and disposal of any insecticidal products. Since some steam cleaners are bulky and heavy, ask for help to avoid a back injury.
Wash all bedding and anything the pets were on or near. Hot water above 60 degrees Celsius or 140 degrees Fahrenheit kills fleas, but use your own judgment about fine washables. If your delicate items can't be washed in hot water, soak them for 10 minutes or longer in soapy water.
Treat your whole house with an insecticidal fogger or spray. Cover fish tanks and exposed foods. Remove pets and turn off all fans or air conditioners. Do not go back into the house for several hours after spraying.
Spray outside your home with an outdoor flea spray. This includes your pet's favorite haunts, pen, kennel or yard. Spray anywhere the pet has been. Never spray your pet's food or water. Do not allow your pet back into the sprayed area until the spray is dry.
Shampoo your pet with a medicated product recommended by your vet. Some use their cat's flea shampoo on themselves. However, pet shampoo is not recommended for people since pet products are not regulated or tested for use on humans. You can kill fleas with regular soap, shampoo and hot water above 139 degrees Fahrenheit (not hot enough to burn you). Leave the shampoo on for at least five to eight minutes.