Flea Bite Vitamin Prevention
Garlic is good for both humans and animals in keeping blood suckers at bay. Garlic has long been known as an herbal remedy for everything from the Plague to keeping cholesterol in check. It can even be effective as a mosquito and flea deterrent. Only a little fresh garlic should be given to a dog, as it could cause discomfort or be toxic if given in large doses. Veterinarians, such as Dr. Richard Pitcairn in his book, The Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, recommend about one chamber of garlic per 30 lbs, or about 1/8 tsp per cup of food.
Brewer's Yeast
Brewer's yeast is much like garlic, with medicinal properties that are known to be good for reducing cholesterol and boosting immunity. Because it produces a strong taste and odor, fleas are deterred. A teaspoon of brewer's yeast, according to Pitcairn, in a dog's food can go a long way in preventing flea infestations.
Black Walnut Hulls
The hull of the black walnut is loaded with medicinal properties and can be used as an antiseptic. Black walnut hull has been known to beneficial due to the medicinal properties in its components: juglone, tannins and natural iodine. It's the tannins that make this effective in preventing flea bites in our canines. It's the tannin's bitter taste that repels fleas. Black Walnut Tincture can be found in health food stores. According to Dr. Hulda Clark, in her book, The Cure for all Diseases, one drop of tincture daily on the dog's food will keep the fleas away.