How to Get Rid of Sand Fleas on Skin
Things You'll Need
- insect repellent
- protective clothing
- beach chair
Apply an insect repellent that contains DEET. Read the label to be sure that the insect repellent repels fleas in addition to mosquitoes. Follow the instructions for application and be careful to avoid getting any in your eyes.
Cover your skin, wearing shirts with long sleeves, long pants, shoes and socks. The flea cannot bite you if it is unable to get through layers of clothing. It is also important to note that sand fleas jump to a height of approximately 40 cm, or 16 inches, which means it is unusual to have a sand flea bite on your upper body.
Sit in a chair with your body off the sand to reduce the risk of bites.
Avoid being outside in the early morning hours or at dusk, when sand fleas are feeding. Especially avoid beaches or marshy areas at this time of day.
If you find yourself being attacked by sand fleas, there is little you can do other than brush them off of your skin and move from your current location, as they are quite persistent. Because the crustacean is extremely small, oftentimes the bites will occur before you are aware that sand fleas are in the vicinity. The only warning sand fleas may provide is a high-pitched whine that results from their swarming behavior. If you hear this, it is best to move or risk being bitten.