What Are Black Gnats?
These insects are small, making it hard to see that they aren't black but more gray in color. At their largest, black gnats are only one-eighth of an inch long. Smaller gnats can be as little of one-twenty-fifth of an inch in size. This makes it easy for them to travel through window screens and land on your body without being detected. Gnats usually flock together in swarms, so while it may be difficult to see just one, you'll be able to spot them when in a group.
Gnats flock to water and other moist areas like muddy river banks, marshes and in the moist roots or holes of rotting trees or plants. These damp areas are where the female gnats lay their eggs. While all the gnat eggs will hatch within 10 days, the male eggs usually hatch first so that they're ready to mate with the newly hatched female gnats. This way, they quickly start the cycle all over again, because gnats usually only live for a few weeks.
Female Biters
All black gnats live off nectar from plants, but female black gnat needs more sustenance to produce her eggs. Female gnats are the only ones that bite and are usually more likely to bite when it's close to sunset. While some insects bite to protect their young, female gnats bite so that they're able to produce their young. While biting, the gnat drinks blood from its victim to obtain protein needed to produce eggs.
How to Handle Them
Bug spray can reduce your risk of becoming lunch for black gnats. If you've ever been bitten by a black gnat, you know that it can be uncomfortable. Similar to a mosquito bite, the area may become red or itchy. While most gnat bites are more annoying than scary, they can cause allergic reactions such as nausea or difficulty of breathing, in which case you'd need to get medical help right away. If you notice black gnats in or around your home, there are products such as sprays, foggers and fly traps that can help kill and clear the area. Bug sprays can also help ward off gnat bites when you're outdoors.