What are Conehead Kissing Bug Insect Bite Symptoms?
The Conenose Bite
The feeding bite of a conenose bug is initially completely pain-free; therefore, it is incredibly difficult to catch them in the act. This is because their saliva has an anesthetic in it that numbs the point of impact. The recipient then experiences itching and swelling which are caused by the bite itself rather than the actual act of biting by the insect. A full meal for the conenose bug requires approximately 10 minutes of sucking so numerous bits infers that the insect was disturbed and it has subsequently bitten and fed again.
General Cutaneous Symptoms
General symptoms from the bite are categorized as cutaneous, which means they are relating to or affecting the skin. These symptoms are red welts or swellings that can be present on the surface of the skin or beneath the surface; both will cause irritation that will itch intensely. Flushing will sometimes occur on the victim around the swellings, but cases of flushing have been found on the recipients' extremities, with hands, fingers and feet experiencing markedly red areas.
On all of these symptoms pruritus will occur, which means that these areas will cause a great reflex to persistently scratch; this need will increase as the person scratches more and more.
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
It is not uncommon for the conenose bug bite to prompt symptoms on the inside of a recipient that are incredibly unpleasant. These symptoms include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Respiratory Symptoms
After some time of the victim experiencing symptoms he could have allergic reactions that will affect his respiratory system in the form of frequent wheezing; dyspnea, which is a shortness of breath; and laryngeal edema, an abnormal accumulation of fluid or phlegm in and around the larynx.
Sensitized Individuals
In most extreme cases of an individual being most sensitive to the conenose bug bite, a person could experience syncope, a loss of consciousness and hypotension, which is the significantly lowering of blood pressure and the body's key organs to receive enough blood. In most serious cases, severe anaphylaxis can occur, which is a life-threatening reaction; that means that all the mentioned symptoms are at an acute state all at once.