How to Defend Against Bedbugs
Things You'll Need
- Caulk
- Plastic bags
Keep your home clean. Bedbugs need a place to hide, and the cleaner your home is, the less likely a bedbug is to find a place to hide.
Avoid hotels with a reputation for bedbugs. Websites such as the the Bed Bug Registry can tell you where bedbugs have been found. Enter the name of the hotel and the city for a list of affected hotels. As an extra travel precaution, keep your clothing inside a sealed plastic bag, and keep all luggage in high places. Always check your luggage thoroughly, taking care to pull back the corners, before returning home.
Avoid bringing bedding, bed frames, mattresses and furniture in off the street. It may have been thrown out because of bedbugs. If you buy secondhand furniture or clothing, carefully inspect it for bed bugs or small brown spots, which may be a sign of bedbugs.
Seal cracks and crevices with caulk. Bedbugs inhabit dark, narrow areas in your house. Sealing these spots reduces the number of places bedbugs can hide and prevents them from coming into your home.
Wash all clothing and sheets in hot water, and consider storing them in a sealable container.