Is There a Way to Get Rid of Bedbugs?
Things You'll Need
- Caulk
- Vacuum
- Pesticide
- Mattress Bag
Wash your sheets and clothing thoroughly in hot water. This is unlikely to get rid of bedbugs on its own, but it will ensure that one of the bugs' possible hiding places is sanitized.
Find out where the bedbugs are hiding. Bedbugs tend to hide during the day and come out at night while you're sleeping. Look in cracks and crevices where bedbugs often hide and pull back the rim of your mattress. It may be difficult to find the bugs, but look for small dark spots on your mattress or bed frame. This is bedbug fecal matter.
Clean and vacuum your house or apartment. Ensure that you vacuum with a nozzle attachment the cracks and crevices where bedbugs often hide. Keeping a clean house helps kill bedbugs and reduces the number of hiding spots. If you have pets, you should also treat the areas where they sleep, as bedbugs will target any mammal.
Seal your mattress in a mattress bag purchased online or at a store. Put pillows in similar bags. Some people throw away their mattress, but this is expensive and unrealistic for many people.
Dismantle your bed frame and clean the individual parts. Reassemble your bed and seal the cracks with caulk.
Place an insecticide powder along the baseboard of your bed. This powder can be purchased online at websites such as or at home and garden stores.
Contact an exterminator if you continue to have problems. Even if you execute all the necessary steps to get rid of bedbugs, you may still have a problem. Consult a local directory and call a professional exterminator to arrange a convenient time to have your house inspected.