How to Remove Chiggers
Things You'll Need
- Sulfur powder
Remove chiggers by dusting affected areas with sulfur powder. Also referred to as flowers of sulfur and sublimed sulfur, sulfur powder is available from most pharmacies. Sulfur powder does not have a pleasant odor and may irritate the skin. Test a little on a small patch of skin before dusting yourself.
Rid your garden of chiggers to enjoy outdoor activities by removing environments where they are likely to thrive. Remove overgrown brush and weeds, and keep your grass short. Humans are not the preferred prey of chiggers; they like small animals, reptiles and birds. It is best if you remove food and cover up nesting areas for these animals in your garden.
Remove chiggers from the body by bathing or showering in warm soapy water. Chiggers are not attached to the skin and will come off when rubbed or washed. Rub yourself down with a damp towel if you are not able to bathe or shower.