What Are Itch Mites?
Different Types of Itch Mites
Itch mite is a name use to describe a number of different types of mites. The main differences among the types of mites include where they live and what they feed on. Straw itch mites live in stockpiles of crops such as straw and seeds, and while their main food source is insects, they will bite on humans and other animals if they come into contact with them. Another mite that is known to bite humans is the Oak Leaf Gall mite, a species that ordinarily lives off insects and larvae laid within leaves and tree bark. Other itch mites include rodent itch mites, bird itch mites and house dust itch mites, all of which can bite humans.
Risks Posed by Itch Mites
Itch mites are a nuisance, but generally are not life-threatening. Itch mites are widespread throughout the world and affect many types of different animals, insects and plants. The itch that they cause is through their bite, because it irritates the skin and causes inflammation. Itch mites are microscopic and very difficult to see with the naked eye. Unfortunately, infestations can occur easily if they have a food source. In infestation situations, people may be bitten multiple times, causing a lot of discomfort. Other health risks can also present themselves. House dust itch mites have been known to cause allergic reactions in people who inhale their bodies and feces while indoors. Itch mites also are responsible for the skin disease scabies.
Scabies Itch Mite
Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by the sarcoptes scabiei mite, also referred to as the scabies itch mite. People contract scabies after the scabies itch mite successfully burrows into a host's skin, where it lives and lays its eggs. Once these larvae hatch, they move in the skin and feed on the host while they develop into adults. Once scabies itch mites become established in the host, they will spread quickly until they are treated. Severe itching, sore rashes and crusting of the skin are symptoms of having scabies.
Prevention and Treatment of Scabies
While good general hygiene is usually enough to prevent scabies, it is most commonly caught from coming into contact with a carrier of the scabies itch mite. The mite can survive outside the human body for up to a few days. It can be difficult to prevent scabies because once symptoms are evident, it's already too late. Wash bed linens, towels, clothing and anything else that has come into contact with somebody suspected of having scabies in a washer on a hot water setting and dry the items on a high-heat setting. Once scabies has been diagnosed, it is important not to touch other people and to seek treatment immediately. Scabies can be cured using permethrin cream and antiparasitic medications like Ivermectin. To relieve the symptoms of itching, antihistamines are used.