How to Rid Bedbugs Out of Clothes
Determine if you have a bed bug infestation. Check for dark stains from crushed beg bugs or excrement on your clothing. Smell clothing and check for an offensive, musty odor which is often present with a bed bug infestation. Check for red or white itchy sores on skin most commonly around shoulders, arms and back.
Wash infected clothes in a washing machine on the hot water setting (minimum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit).
Dry clothes in a dryer on a high-heat setting.
Place delicate items that cannot be washed in a tightly-sealed plastic bag. Place plastic bag in the freezer for a minimum of two weeks to fully kill bed bugs.
Place other items in a black plastic bag and expose to sun for a few days. Place the bag in a sunny spot where it will reach a temperature of at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure the beg bugs are completely dead.