How to Keep Mosquitoes Away the Old-Fashioned Way

Mosquitoes often provide a damper to otherwise exciting outdoor activities during the summer months. According to the American Mosquito Control Association, DEET-based repellents have been in existence for more than fifty years; no other product provides the same effectiveness. Before the appearance of DEET on the market, though, our ancestors managed to deter mosquitoes naturally. Their common-sense approach can still provide simple solutions to staying free of mosquito bites all summer long.


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      Incorporate mosquito-repelling plants into the landscape near your patio. An article on organic mosquito control for the website Double Danger reveals that basil, lemongrass, citronella, rosemary, garlic, catnip, mums, and marigolds are all plants that naturally repel mosquitoes.

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      Eliminate the ability of mosquitoes to breed by limiting standing water near your home. An article posted on the website for the Illinois Department of Public Health encourages home owners to empty water from old tires, cans, buckets, drums, or clogged gutters. In addition, you should empty bird baths and children's wading pools at least once a week. Change the water in pet water bowls daily, and store boats covered or upside down.

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      Use plenty of electric fans -- or get outside during breezy days -- to avoid mosquitoes. Mosquitoes have difficulty maneuvering in the wind, according to an article from the CBS News website exploring options for natural repellents. In a windy environment, a mosquito won't be able to get close enough to bite.

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      Cover your skin with light-colored clothing. It's important to cover your arms and legs with long sleeves and pants, particularly on hikes through rugged terrain. It's equally as important, according to an article on the Farmers' Almanac Blog, to avoid dark colors -- particularly red and blue -- that are more likely to attract mosquitoes.

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      Avoid outdoor activity at dusk and dawn, mosquitoes' most active times of day. According to an article on, mosquito bites can be avoided by simply going indoors for 30 minutes during sunset, then returning outside after dark.

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