Tricks to Keep Lice Away
Avoid Contact with Infected Persons
The only way to contract lice is through contact with an infected person or item. This includes head-to-head contact; contact with an infected person's belongings; and sexual contact with an infected person. Accordingly, avoid contact with an infected person or his belongings to prevent the spread of lice. Do not place your head against that of an infected person's or share his hair utensils, clothing and hats, linens or pillows. Do not lie on an infected person's bed or sit on cloth-covered furniture he has used within the past two days. Do not engage in sexual contact with infected persons. Condoms do not protect against the spread of pubic lice.
Take Preventive Measures
It is important to take preventive measures if your personal items come into contact with a person who has lice. Wash clothing, bedding, stuffed animals and other washable items that an infected person has used. Wash the items in water that is at least 130 Fahrenheit and dry them on high heat for a minimum of 20 minutes. Dry clean unwashable items or seal them in an airtight bag for two weeks. Vacuum upholstered items the person came into contact with and soak hair utensils the person used in rubbing alcohol for an hour.
Perform Routine Checks
The only way to diagnose a lice infestation is to check the hair and body for signs of the insects. Accordingly, it is important to perform routine checks of yourself and your family to ensure you do not have lice. Adult lice are about the size of a sesame seed and typically range from tan to grayish white in color. Lice eggs are tiny and white or yellow in color. They typically appear near the roots of the hair. Closely examine the scalp, nape of the neck and behind the ears for signs of crawling head lice or their eggs. Check the folds and creases of clothing and linens for body lice or their eggs. Check the pubic hair for crawling adult lice or their eggs.
Seek Treatment Immediately
Do not hesitate if you see signs of a lice infestation in your home. Lice are highly contagious and if one person in the home is infected, chances are the lice will spread to others in the home. Accordingly, seek medical treatment immediately if anyone in the home becomes infected. Contact your doctor for a prescription lice treatment or purchase an over-the-counter treatment and follow the application directions precisely.