Meat Tenderizer on Insect Bites
A paste of meat tenderizer and water can provide relief to the itch and sting of an insect bite, particularly wasps, bees, ants and mosquitoes. Mix one part meat tenderizer with four parts water. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and hold it to the bite for about 15 minutes. A substance called papain in the meat tenderizer will help to break down the insect venom's proteins.
Most insect bites are simply a nuisance, but serious allergic reactions can occur. If you experience severe swelling, vomiting, fever, shortness of breath or other serious symptoms, skip the meat tenderizer and seek medical attention. If the sting is from a bee, remove the stinger before applying the meat tenderizer. This is best accomplished by scraping it off with a credit card or other hard, flat surface.
Prevent insect stings from happening in the first place. This can be done with insect spray. The most effective sprays contain the active ingredient DEET. If you want to avoid chemicals, eat a diet high in thiamine, which releases an odor that insects find unpleasant. Consuming lots of onions or garlic can have the same effect.