How do I Treat an Eye Swollen by a Bug Bite?
Things You'll Need
- Mirror
- Tweezers
- Allergy medication
- Vinegar
- Ice water
- Soft clean cloth
- Baking soda
- Shallow dish
- Toothpaste
- Ice cubes
- Anti-itch cream or lotion
Examine the eye carefully in the mirror. Make sure that there no part of the bug is in the skin, such as a stinger from a bee. If there is and you can grasp it with a tweezers to pull it out, do so. If not, go to a doctor immediately and have him do it. The risk of infection from a foreign body is great and you need to have it removed as soon as possible.
Determine how much of the swelling is on the eye and how much is either above it or below. Once you have determined that there is no foreign matter lodged in the skin or the eye, you can consider treatment options.
Take a dose of allergy medication that has Benadryl or diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Take or give the dose recommended for the age of the person with the swollen eye. You should notice an improvement within a few hours. This may make the patient sleepy.
Mix a teaspoon of vinegar with a tablespoon of ice water. Dip the edge of a very clean soft cloth into the mixture and apply to the skin around the eye. This should relieve the itching and start to take the swelling down.
Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into a shallow dish and add just enough water to make a thick paste. Use your finger and rub the paste into the swollen parts around the eye.
Apply anti-itch creams and lotions that contain calamine and Benadryl to the areas around the eye, being careful not to let any of it drip into the eye.
Apply a bead of toothpaste on the swelling above or below the eye. Put an ice cube on top of the toothpaste and hold it in place until the itching goes away. Try a little aloe spray after that.