How to Eliminate Biting Dust Mites
Things You'll Need
- Vacuum cleaner
- Tannic acid
- Commercial insecticides
Find the source. Wild animals nesting near (or under) the home are a common source of dust mites, which can live on birds, raccoons, rats, mice or other animals. Look for and remove (or, better yet, have a professional remove) the nests of any wild animals that are close to your home. Check the eaves of your roof, fireplaces, chimneys, window ledges, attics and crawl spaces. Also, inspect plants and shrubbery around your home for evidence of these insects. Use an insecticide to eliminate any you find. Check your pets as well and use a spray or dust recommended by your vet. If you cannot find a source, move on to Step 2.
Vacuum everything. Vacuum your floors, rugs, furniture, mattresses, pillow and any other item where mites could be present. If they could be there, they almost certainly are! Use a vacuum cleaner with a good filter---you don't want to just blow the mites back into the house. Empty and dispose of the vacuum bag, or clean the collector, if it is a bagless vacuum, outdoors.
Wash all bedding in hot water (at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit). Wash stuffed animals, animal bedding, and, if the infestation is extreme, clothing and towels.
Tannic acid acts on the allergens in dust mites and animal dander. Dust tannic acid in areas that are particularly problematic. Tannic acid is available at health food stores and pet supply centers. Read the directions and follow all safety precautions carefully.
Avoid humidifiers. Dust mites like warm, humid air.
If necessary, use a commercial spray, dust or fogger. Make sure the product you choose kills mites; some commercially-available insecticides do not. Some of these products can be harmful to people. Follow the manufacturer's directions carefully.