How Soon Do Maggots Form After Death?
Initial Phase
When a body dies outdoors, blowflies arrive within 10 minutes of death. A female will lay about 300 eggs while she feeds on decaying flesh.
It takes eight to 20 hours for maggots to hatch from their eggs, and they are about 2 mm long when they emerge.
Maggots go through a total of three instars (stages between molts). Going from the first to second instar takes 24 hours, during which time the maggot will grow to be about 5 mm long. Second-instar maggots grow to be about 10 mm in 24 hours and then molt into their third-instar, growing to 15 to 20 mm in 48 hours.
Maggots will go through two more stages of development before they become adult flies. These are called the pre-pupa (lasting four days) and pupa (lasting 10 days).
Fun Fact
The scientific name for the blowfly is Sarcophagi, meaning "corpse eater."