How to Remove an Imbedded Tick
Things You'll Need
- Latex gloves
- Fine-tipped tweezers
- Zip-close plastic bag
- Marker
- Alcohol pad
Put on latex gloves to protect your hands from contact with any potentially diseased excretions from the tick. If latex gloves are not available, use whatever you can--a paper towel, a tissue, or dishwashing gloves might help.
Grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible with a pair of fine-tipped tweezers. Keep constant pressure on the tick as you pull it up steadily; don't yank. The tick may come away from your skin cleanly, but it's very common for the body to come away while its head and mouth parts, or the mouth parts alone, remain embedded in your skin.
Extract the tick's embedded head or mouth parts, just as if they were a splinter, by using either the fine-tipped tweezers or a needle. If you can't remove the mouth parts on your own, contact a physician and inquire whether it's safe to leave them in place. According to the Lyme Disease Foundation, some physicians hold that the mouth parts will come out on their own as skin cells naturally slough away.
Place the tick in a zip-close plastic bag and freeze it, marking the date of the bite and bite location on the body on a slip of paper, then putting the paper in the bag with the tick. The Lyme Disease Foundation recommends that you call a doctor to find out whether or not you should seek further medical treatment.
Swab the bite area thoroughly with alcohol or another disinfectant. Apply a band-aid or other covering to help protect the wound, then remove your gloves and wash your hands with soap and water.