How to Avoid Lice
Things You'll Need
- Washing Machine
- Dryer
- Laundry detergent
- Freezer
- Ziploc bags
Vacuum all carpets and upholstery in the home and car if it's determined that a family member or visitor is suffering from an infestation.
Launder all clothing, bedding, towels and stuffed animals that have been in contact with a person who has been diagnosed with a lice infestation. Launder using hot water and a hot dryer setting.
Place unwashable items like hair brushes inside a Ziploc bag and store in the freezer for 24 hours if another person in the household is infested or if you suspect your belongings may have been exposed to lice or nits (louse eggs).
Avoid sharing hats, helmets, hair brushes, hair accessories, jackets and clothing with other individuals, particularly if that individual may have head, body or pubic lice.
Avoid sexual activity or direct physical contact with a partner who is infested.
Bring a clean hand towel on airline flights. Place the towel over the head rest area of the seat to avoid direct contact with the fabric. Lice and nits can be left behind on the upholstery, so the next passenger to sit in the seat could be infested.
Speak with your children to explain the importance of avoiding direct head-to-head contact during play. Also encourage children to avoid sharing hair brushes, helmets, jackets and other personal items with friends. A child who is infested with head lice can easily (and unknowingly) transfer those lice to siblings and parents.
Avoid hair salons if the combs and hair cutting tools are not disinfected between clients. A good salon will store the disinfectant solution on the hair cutting station counter or another highly visible location. You can also bring your own combs and brushes.