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How to Remove Lice From Helmets
Things You'll Need
- Washer
- Dryer
- Bleach
- Laundry detergent
- Large Ziploc bag
- Freezer
Detach any removable pads or helmet liners and immediately place them in the washing machine, along with any other items (i.e., bedding or clothing) that have been in contact with the louse-infested individual.
Wash all removable helmet padding and helmet liners in hot water with bleach and detergent.
Dry fabric helmet liners on a hot dryer setting. Any foam pieces must be allowed to air dry in an outdoor location.
Place the helmet, foam padding and liners inside a large Ziploc bag. Immediately seal the bag.
Place the sealed bag inside the freezer for 24 hours. If outdoor temperatures are going to be below the freezing mark for 24 hours, the bag can be placed outside. The freezing temperatures will kill the lice and nits.