How to Prevent Lyme Disease From a Tick Bite
Things You'll Need
- fine-tip tweezers
- plastic zip lock bag
- water
- soap
- magnifying glass (highly recommended)
- fine-tooth comb (if the tick is embedded in the scalp or other body part covered in hair)
It is important to remove the tick as soon as you notice it. This will help to prevent you from developing more serious conditions, such as Lyme disease.
If the tick is in your hair or hard to see, you may want to consider using a magnifying glass and/or fine tooth comb to see the tick more easily.
Using the tweezers, grab the tick by its head. You MUST grab it by its head, or there is a possibility that you could push fluid (infected with Lyme disease bacteria) from its belly into the wound site. It is important to remove the tick by its head, so that you have a better chance at removing its mouth from the wound site. Once the tick's mouth is removed, there is less likelihood of infection.
Put the tick in a zip lock bag just in case you develop further symptoms and need to see a doctor.
Wash your hands and the wound site with soap and water.
Apply Neosporin to the wound site.