How to Identify the Potato Bug or Jerusalem Cricket
The first step in identifying a Potato Bug is knowing what it looks like. Potato Bugs can grow to almost 3" long. They are tan to brown in coloring with a cream colored belly. Their backside is dark (almost black) in color and striped with the shape of their body. They are mostly known for their faces which appear almost human or alien-like. They have thick legs which help them to burrow into soil. They do not have wings and therefore cannot fly.
The second step in identifying a Potato Bug is knowing where you might find one. The Potato Bug can be found all along the West Coast of the United States leading into Mexico, as well as in Germany. They are nocturnal insects that live underground. They live in moist soil and dig under the soil to eat the roots of plants plus organic material. They also eat small insects. They can be found in one's home, but it's rare.
The third step in identifying a Potato Bug is knowing what its bite might be like. Fortunately, this strange little creature is not venomous and therefore, is not deadly to humans. However, if provoked, it can give a pretty painful bite so take great care if you encounter one. The likelihood of encountering a living Potato Bug is small - most are found dead in water or in a drain - but if you do encounter one, catch it and let it go outside. It won't hurt you or your family and spraying them with RAID is just plain cruel on such a large insect.