Epsom Salt Home Remedies
Magnesium Sulphate
Epsom salts are a mix of hydrated magnesium sulfates. Magnesium is important in helping the heart keep a steady beat. 'Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels' and helps in the promotion of normal blood pressure. Soaking in an Epsom salt bath and can replenish the body's magnesium. The pores of you skin will open and absorb what is described as the fourth most important element of the body.
Athletes Foot
If you suffer from athlete's foot, Epsom salts can provide hours of relief. Merely fill a basin with hot water and add two cups of Epsom salts. In about the time it takes for the water to cool, but still feel warm, the solution will "melt" into the water. Ease your feet into the basin and you'll feel better in no time at all. As a solution to help ease the itch, many doctors recommend this to patients who suffer with the bodily itch that is a consequence of hepatitis. A warm Epsom salt bath will do away with the feeling of wanting to peel off the burning layers of skin.
Anyone who suffers from constipation is no stranger to the abdominal pains and sometimes crippling cramps that accompany it. Two cups of water and 2 to 3 tbsp.of Epsom Salt in each cup can spell relief. Just put the Epsom salts into each cup of water and drink your way to the other side of constipation. Epsom salt are a federal Food and Drug Administration-approved laxative.
Bug Bites
Bug bites and bee stings aren't the kind of things we look for, but both are often a big part of the spring and summer seasons. Keeping an Epsom salt solution, using a cup of Epsom salts for every half-gallon of water, and pouring it over the bitten or stung area can draw out the poison and pour in relief. While it won't serve as an instant cure, it will lessen the swelling and the itch.
Where to Find
Epsom salts are easy to find and smart to keep in the home. They come in a variety of packaging and sizes, but they are all the same product. Some are packaged in milk carton containers, while other manufacturers choose a heavy plastic bag. Whatever you like doesn't take anything away from the product.