What Type of Sprays Kill Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs will normally eat once a week, but can live up to one year in between feedings. They are not harmless and can cause itchy allergic reactions. They multiply fairly rapidly, with the females laying four to five eggs a day.
Professional Opinions
Pest control professionals are probably the best bet if you think you may have fallen victim to a bed bug infestation. The pesticide of choice in the past was DDT, which almost eradicated the pest completely in the United States and Canada; however, the FDA has banned DDT. There is no longer a pesticide of choice, and many professionals will differ in opinion regarding which spray is best.
A pesticide that is comprised of pyrethroids, or a synthetic derivative of the extract of chrysanthemum flowers, is most commonly used to exterminate bed bugs. The pyrethroid compound does not usually kill the bugs, but will temporarily paralyze them, making them easier to vacuum and sweep up. Also, bed bugs, like most other bugs, are irritated by the presence of the pyrethroid compounds and will choose to avoid areas treated with the spray.
A new spray called chlorfenapyr is now commercially available to licensed pest control technicians. The main benefit of this spray is that it has a long residual effect, meaning that the bugs will avoid the treated area for much longer than with the pyrethroid sprays.
Insect Growth Inhibitors
Insect growth inhibitors will interfere with the development of the bed bug and not allow it to mature and reproduce, causing the current infestation to be self limiting, or allowing it to die out on its own. These sprays are usually used in conjunction with a contact pesticide like pyrethroids to ensure that any remaining bugs cannot reproduce.
With any method, it is best to use an aerosol spray with a long, thin nozzle so that cracks and crevices can be treated as well as large surface areas since it is these areas that the bugs tend to congregate. As with any pesticide, it is imperative to follow the instructions exactly or call a professional.