How to Treat Scorpion Stings
Things You'll Need
- A level head
- A pillow or recliner
- soap and water
Anytime you are bit or stung by any animal or insect it is good to begin treatment by cleaning the wound site with soap and water. Disinfecting the sting site may prevent rare but dangerous complications.
Keep in mind - very few people will suffer serious side effects of a scorpion sting - and even fewer will require medical treatment or hospitalization. It is extremely rare for people to die of scorpion stings. The obvious exceptions are the same as those for other venomous animals and insects - the very young and the very old are generally most susceptible.
If the victim is very young (an infant or toddler) or very old, get them to an ER as quickly as possible. If not, prepare to get to an ER should the victim begin to show signs of allergic reaction or an unusually powerful neuro-toxic response to the venom. If you are in a wilderness area when the sting occurs, begin heading to civilization as quickly as possible. Such reactions to watch for include experiencing a numb feeling or any tingling in the hands, feet, or face, blurring of visual perception, involuntary muscle spasms, or twitching of the eyes.
There are differences of opinion on this one - but the Arizona Poison Control operator specifically stated that ice should NOT be applied to the sting site. A cool compress maybe, but not ice.
If at all possible - keep the victim calm, immobile, and elevate the sting site to heart level. If a person is stung in the middle of a 3 mile hike - it may not be possible for the hiking partners to carry the person back to their vehicle. In this event a compress or pressure bandage may be used - but never use a tourniquet.
Keep in mind that animals are just as susceptible to scorpion venom as humans - watch your pets and offer them the same treatment should they be stung.