How to Stop Bug Bites From Itching
Some people (like my husband) are blessed to be seemingly immune to bug bites. I am terribly susceptible. (I get even by being impervious to poison ivy while he itches uncontrollably for days).
Grandmother's remedy is this simple: Scrub them with rubbing alcohol. When I found this out, I wished I had known about it years before, so I just wanted to share this sacred information with you, Dear Reader, and the entire internet as well.
The trick is this: Put the rubbing alcohol on a wash cloth since it's more scrubby, and keep scrubbing until they don't itch any longer. And then scrub a little more. The longer you scrub, the more your bites will disappear. I usually take about 5 minutes.
The sooner you can scrub your bites, the better. If you wait until the day after you're bitten, it will help some, but it will probably not disappear entirely.
You probably shouldn't put rubbing alcohol in your eyes. You probably shouldn't swallow it. This technique probably doesn't work with snake bites. I think I've added enough words for this article to qualify for publishing now. If you see any ads for rubbing alcohol, feel free to click on them. :)