What Bugs Live in Clothes & in Beds?
Dust Mites
Dust mites are microscopic bugs that feast on shed human and animal skin. They are not dangerous to humans, but can cause allergic reactions.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are wingless insects that reach ¼ of an inch in size in adulthood. They live on the warm blood of humans or animals, and they tend to hide in mattresses, bed frames and other furniture.
Carpet Beetles
The larvae of carpet beetles feed of dead animal products such as wool, fur and leather. Carpet beetles tend to damage one large area of a garment.
Clothes Moths
Clothes moths' larvae are minuscule, but the damage they do is great. They eat animal products such as wool, fur, felt, silk and suede, and can damage clothing, carpets and furniture.
Termites are known for eating wood, but they will also eat clothing and anything containing cellulose.