How to Keep Away Mosquitos
Mosquitoes love sweat and perspiration. When sweating, you release certain chemicals that act like bait to a mosquito. They also enjoy the increased humidity around you when you are sweating. Try to keep cool.
Physical activity. Exercising or physical activity attracts mosquitoes because of the lactic acid produced and increased carbon dioxide from heavy breathing. A lot of activity also causes you to sweat.
When outside, avoid wearing dark clothing. Mosquitoes search for dark places like leaves to hover around, and a dark shirt looks similar to a tree full of foliage to them. Wearing lighter clothing will also help reduce the amount of sweat you create and thus attract the mosquitoes with.
Pay attention to fragrances or perfumes, especially ones that smell flowery or fruity. Mosquitoes will be attracted to these smells even if they are not strong. Beware of these scents in shampoos, detergents, lotions, and fabric softeners.
Avoid planning your picnic during the early morning or evening hours. These cooler temps tend to bring the mosquitoes out from hiding during the heat of the day.
Stay away from the shade. Mosquitoes hover in shady places, so setting up your picnic underneath a tree is just asking for trouble.