How to Recognize A Brown Recluse Spider
Know your enemy. The bite of the brown recluse spider is seldom fatal but the venom contains enzymes that cause necrosis of the skin as seen in the photo here. Large portions of skin near the bite may die, leaving an ugly scar. If you think you have been bitten by a brown recluse spider get to a doctor as quickly as possible. Symptoms include severe pain and itching a few hours after a brown recluse bite.
Here is how to recognize the brown recluse spider. -
Look for the violin pattern. The spider in the photo above is a brown recluse. It is characterized by a light brown color, a violin pattern on the underside and a hairless abdomen as seen in this photo.
Avoid being bitten by a brown recluse by inspecting the undersides of objects such as logs and rocks before you pick them up. True to its name the brown recluse prefers dry, quiet areas. Watch out for them in basements, utility rooms and garden sheds.
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