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How to Make Homemade Fly Paper
Things You'll Need
- brown paper bag
- scissors
- string
- shallow pan
- ½ cup of sweet maple syrup
- 2 tbs of brown sugar
- 2 tbs of white sugar
Combine all the maple syrup and brown sugar and white sugar into a pan and mix together.
Take a brown paper back and cut or tear it into 1 inch strips and put a hole on one end. Put a string through that hole.
Soak the strips in your mixture overnight, leaving the string outside of the bowl. Go ahead and put a top or plastic wrap over the top of the pan to keep the flies out or leave it open for a head start. LOL
The next morning take the strips out of the mixture and let them drip back into the pan or take the mixture outside and hang them outside where you have flies, and let them drip on the ground.