How to Make Herbal Spray to Keep Mosquitos Away
Things You'll Need
- 4 oz. measuring cup
- 4 oz. spray bottle
- measuring spoon (1/2 tsp)
- lemongrass essential oil
- cedarwood essential oil
- eucalyptus essential oil
- lavender essential oil
- witch hazel
- polysorbate 20
in your measuring cup add the following:
1/2 teaspoon Lemongrass essential oil, 1/4 teaspoon cedarwood essential oil, 1/4 teaspoon eucalyptus, 1/2 teaspoon lavender, 1 & 1/2 teaspoons of polysorbate 20. If you don't have polysorbate 20, just be sure to shake very well before spraying & do not get this mixture into your eyes. -
mix the essential oils and polysorbate 20 together in your measuring cup first. once mixture is combined, then it is safe to add in 4 oz. of Witch Hazel. Your solution may be cloudy, this is normal and should clear within 24 hours.
Pour your skeeter skatter mixture into your 4 oz. sprayer and make sure to keep it on hand when you happen to be out and about. This is a great way to keep those mosquitoes away without all those other harmful ingredients that so many of the commercial mosquito repellents contain.