Natural Ways to Get Rid of Bug Bites
Banana Peels and Cold Water
Relief from bug bites is as easy as peeling a banana. Simply place the inside part of the peel directly onto the bug bite. The swelling and itching will almost immediately let up. Another treatment is applying cold water to the bite. If the bites are all over the body, taking a shower in cold water provides relief all over. Apply ice to the bite. The cold from the ice causes blood vessels to contract so that the histamines do not reach the skin and cause itching.
Over-the-Counter Pain Medications
Crush an aspirin and mix it with a few drops of water and put it on the bug bite. Swelling will start to go down almost immediately. Then, cover it with a bandage and let it sit on the bite throughout the night. This will help the bite heal quickly. If swelling and itching reaches an extreme, take an ibuprofen orally. This is an anti-inflammatory which will ease pain and discomfort. According to, Preparation H cream also is proven to alleviate swelling and itching caused by bug bites as well.
Plants and Herbs
Aloe Vera is one of the most common ways of providing relief from annoying bug bites. People tend to scratch the bug bite as it begins to itch and this causes a stronger burning sensation. Aloe Vera alleviates this itching and reduces the welts. also sites lavender oil as a balm to ease the pain and itching of bug bites. Tea tree oil also numbs and cleans the wound.
Other Precautions
If the bug bite was from a bee or wasp, remove the stinger before treating the wound. Remove the stinger using tweezers or simply pull it out by hand. This gets rid of most of the venom. After doing this, use one of the above-mentioned treatments for pain and swelling. However, if fever, shortness of breath or heart palpitations occur after being stung, immediately seek the aid of a medical professional.