How to Keep Bird Mites Off of Children
Things You'll Need
- Insecticide
- Borax
- Dish soap
- Hot water
- Vacuum
- Freezer
Empty nests may still have mites in them. Clear unused nests from around your home and yard. Look in gutters, near chimneys and in wall crevices for any hidden nests. Spray an insecticide made especially for bird mites around the outside perimeter of your home. Windows and doors should be especially focused on when applying insecticide.
Shake Borax evenly over the carpets to kill any mites. Let it sit and then vacuum both the carpets and the furniture using a vacuum with bags. Place the vacuum bag into a garbage bag, tie it and then place it into the freezer for two to three hours to make sure all mites are dead.
Wash all bedding, clothing and curtains in your home if bites are occurring in the home. Wash any second-hand clothing in hot water immediately and clean used furniture and rugs outdoors. Mix 1 gallon of hot water with 1/2 cup of Borax and 4 tbsp. of dish soap. Wash down tables, walls and tiles with the mixture. Feather pillows should be run through a hot dryer or replaced with non-feather pillows.