If My 3-year-old is Itchy With Little, Red Bumps; Could She Have Gotten Something from a Dog?
Flea bites are small and red in appearance, and fleas can come from pets such as cats or dogs. If your dog was around many other dogs recently, it may have picked up fleas. Getting rid of fleas is a multi-step process. You must treat the dog and your house. Linens should be washed and carpeting should be treated with a flea powder. The dog needs flea treatment and should continue to receive regular treatment every few months to keep fleas away.
Hives are raised small bumps that can spread to different parts of the body relatively quickly. If your child has hives, she may be allergic to a dog. The easiest way to check for this allergy is getting tested by an allergist who will inject a small amount of the dander into the skin and check your child's reaction. Hives also can be caused by stress or an allergic reaction to something else in your house such as a new detergent or shampoo.
Scabies are tiny insects that burrow into the skin, causing red bumps and itchiness. Although dogs do get scabies, they are a different strain than human scabies, so a dog cannot give your child scabies. If she has contracted scabies, see a doctor immediately, as the treatment requires a prescription cream.
Other Insect Bites or Stings
A long-haired dog may bring in insects from outside. Red bumps can be the result of insect bites or stings or allergies to bites or stings. If the bumps increase in size and cause swelling, see the doctor immediately.