How to Domesticate a Quail
Things You'll Need
- Enclosure
- Bird feed
- Kiddie pool
Equip your yard with a bird enclosure. These enclosures can be purchased from aviary supply companies and come in various sizes. Select one with fine mesh as opposed to wide-gauge chicken wire. That way your new quail won't escape or get hurt. Place the enclosure in an area in your yard that gets only partial sunlight.
Set up your quail enclosure with a kiddie pool in the sunniest corner of the habitat. A small kiddie pool measuring 3 by 3 feet is adequate for a mid-sized aviary enclosure.
Select a bird feed formulated for wild birds like quail and pheasant. Obtain this product from a feed store. Fill a pan with this grain and change it once a week.
Spend time in your quail enclosure throughout the week to get your quail used to people. Read a book or do something calm in the quail enclosure for about 10 to 20 minutes a day.
Handle your adult quail frequently, with gloved hands. This gets them used to interaction with people.