Bugs That Bite in South Carolina
Fire Ants, a yellowish red ant, will attack in significant numbers when their dirt mount nest is disturbed. A less common type of ant is the "velvet ant," a wingless female wasp, found in sandy areas. They will squeak when their nest is disturbed and have one of the most painful bites. They are generally seen between May and September. Call an exterminator to rid your property of these ants.
It is estimated that there are around 61 species of mosquitoes in South Carolina that bite at various times of the day, some only biting at dusk and early morning, while others bite throughout the day. The female of each of these species feeds off of human and animal blood to get the proper nutrients for egg development. Some of these mosquitoes may carry the West Nile Virus, as well as Eastern Equine Ensephalitis. To protect yourself from mosquito bites, you should apply mosquito repellant, as well as burn citronella candles when you are outdoors.
With over 25 different species in South Carolina, fleas can be found indoors or outdoors especially in the summer months. The cause problems for humans and pets, leading to various diseases and tape worms. Their bites tend result in red, raised spots on the skin and can itch significantly. In order to rid your home of fleas, pets must be treated with flea control and your home may need to be fumigated.
Tick bites are extremely dangerous and can cause deadly diseases, such as Lyme Disease, Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness, Tick Paralysis, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Ticks are generally found in heavily-wooded areas or areas with high grass. A tick will bite and then burrow its head into the skin, feeding off human or animal blood. It is imperative that these bugs are removed from the skin immediately, taking care to ensure that the head isn't separated from the body. Use tick repellant to protect yourself from these bites.