What Microorganisms Fly & Crawl With Insects?
Summer is prime season for ticks. They are found in forests and in tall grass or weeds. Ticks carry Lyme disease. This bacterial infection is transmitted to humans if the tick is a carrier and breaks the skin of the victim. Ticks survive on the blood of animals. They are found on deer, foxes, dogs and humans who come in contact with them.
Mosquitoes are notorious carriers of several diseases. Malaria is the most notorious disease carried by these creatures. Malaria is caused by a type of protozoa present in the bite of the mosquito. These insects are also responsible for yellow fever and West Nile virus.
Roaches are a plague for human habitations. They are drawn to food sources in homes. Roaches seek hidden areas and track through damp and dirty areas. As they walk, they pick up decayed matter and bacteria. This is transferred to foods and, when ingested, can affect humans. Roaches are know to carry around 33 kinds of bacteria. These pathogens can result in problems from mild diarrhea to serious illnesses.
Flies are drawn to fecal matter and decaying flesh. By coming into contact with this material, flies spread bacteria and viruses. By coming into contact with farm animals, flies are feared to transmit antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Farm animals are often fed large doses of antibiotics to reduce the chance of animals dying from disease. Contact between flies and these animals has led to a heightened fear of transmission of these bacteria to humans.