Bug Bite Types
Mosquito Bite
Mosquitoes require blood for food and nourishment and will feed off humans and other warm-blooded animals. Mosquito bites occur around the summer months mainly because there is a higher rate of people outdoors, thus giving the mosquito more opportunity to feed. Bites are prevalent during the evening. Only the female mosquito will bite, resulting in itching, redness and swelling. Mosquito bites are becoming a significant health concern as some mosquito species act as vectors for fatal diseases and infections such as West Nile and Highland J virus.
Bed Bug Bite
Bed bugs are blood-feeding, parasitic insects. They mostly feed off human blood and need a warm body around in order to survive. The name bed bug originated from the fact that these bugs would feed during the night and then hide inside the mattress and box spring until the next feeding. The main cause of infection is through clothing, luggage or infested dwellings near the home. Although they do not transmit disease, they can cause allergic reactions and psychological problems. A bed bug starts by injecting its saliva in the person's skin. This relaxes the muscle and the bug will then feed. The saliva will cause that particular area to become inflamed and swollen. The appearance of the bite will vary. Usually the bug feeds in areas close to the arms and upper torso.
Scabies is caused by small parasitic bugs smaller than 3 mm in length that burrow under the skin. The bites are caused by hatching of the mites and by its fecal matter. Bites and sores are prevalent around the wrists, joints, and in between the fingers. The bites will itch and swell. Thin lines or barrows are also prevalent near and around the bites.
Beetle Bites
Beetles are common arthropods. Although beetles do not usually bite people, some beetle species, such as the Titanus giganteus, one of the world's largest beetles, can inflict serious and painful bites. Another beetle species, the Blister beetle, can also inflict serious pain from their bites. When a beetle bites, it releases a toxin into the skin. This toxin reacts with the skin and irritation, reddening and swelling will result.