Insects in the Home That Bite at Night
Bed Bugs
Preferring human blood over any other, by day bed bugs lie dormant by hiding in wrinkles of sheets or crevices in bedroom furniture so when the lights go out, they feed undetected.
The bite, though similar to a mosquito's, is not dangerous in the sense of carrying disease; however, there will be localized swelling and itchy skin irritation that can lead to infection from excessive scratching. Referred to as a bed bug "rash," the bites don't spread but is an indication of several individual bites in clusters or lines.
Bed evidence will include tiny blood spots and/or seeing the tiny, flat, oval-shaped, brown bugs gathered in clusters in hiding places. In severe infestation there will be an unusual sweet smell emanating from the room or bed sheets as a result of natural secretions from multiple bed bugs.
Dust Mites
Dust mites do not literally bite but eat flakes of skin (dander) humans shed daily in the form of dandruff and dead skin scales. Since a large majority of skin is left on a bed dust mites thrive in sheets, pillows and mattresses. A skin reaction from the mites may look like a bite but is actually an allergic reaction to the mites' excrement. Although they don't spread diseases, they are believed to be one of the most common triggers of asthma attacks, allergic rhinitis and dermatitis.
Since dust mites can only be seen through a microscope, it will take some detective work to determine if the condition found on the skin in the morning is due to dust mites or another nocturnal insect.
Most spider bites are harmless. Spiders only bite when threatened or when they find themselves in bed and decide to have a midnight meal on an unsuspecting sleeper. Spider bites appear on the skin as small bulls-eye circles with a mild to severe burning sensation. The size and species of the spider in combination with an individual's skin reaction will determine the extent and severity of the bite.
The list of biting spiders include the brown recluse, running spider, hobo spider, tarantula, orb weaver and wolf spider.
Mosquito enjoying an evening meal. Mosquitos are attracted to body heat, carbon dioxide and moisture and will eat until engorged. Without netting or other mosquito repellent, these intrepid little buggers will hover until there is no resistance and then feed. Bites are red, raised and itchy welts caused by the decoagulating saliva mosquitoes inject to keep blood thin enough to suck through their feeding tubes.
A dog is a perfect flea habitat. Fleas are first introduced into a home through a pet but will take advantage of any resident with mammal blood. They will easily and quickly spread from pet to carpet, clothing to bedding. Although they will bite all day, the sedentary nature of sleeping makes a pet or person an easy and constant meal throughout the evening. In the morning, bites will be in clusters as raised, itchy red welts that will turn to small individual scabs. Infection can result from scratching.